We depend on version control, especially when we work on a code base that is managed by a team of people.

We need version control because of concurrency: we want team members to work on different parts of the source code, without blocking each other.

But concurrency comes at a price: we have to be more careful when committing concurrent work. With concurrency, we have to think about consensus and solving potential conflicts. Version control systems help us perform such difficult tasks.

But why don’t we exercise the same level of control over application state? Surely the same concurrency patterns apply when dealing with state.


Let’s draw a comparison between source code and application state. Is there a difference?

Sure there is:

  • Source code is text that is typically stored in a hierarchical filesystem in different files and directories.

  • Application state is typically a big pile of objects, with references to other (piles of) objects, stored in (volatile) computer memory.

Holistically however, there is no difference: both can be serialized into big blobs of digital data (also called snapshots or commits). GIT exactly follows this snapshot approach to version control.

Detail Level

But while GIT only stores commits at the ‘blob level’, the actual version control happens at the ‘bit level’.

It is amazing that, with only snapshots (and some simple bookkeeping) we can already answer so many detailed questions about our source code:

  • Are there any new files in a commit, compared to its previous (parent) commit?
  • Are there any conflicts between two commits?
  • What are the differences between the three versions of the same file? (three-way merge)
  • Who is the author of the commit?

Application State

Then what are the questions we would like to ask when dealing with application state?

  • Are there any new objects in this commit?
  • What objects changed between commits?
  • Are there any conflicts between objects?
  • Are there any data dependencies that would be violated when we merge two commits?

As it turns out, some of these questions cannot be answered with a simple snapshot model, so we need an alternative approach.


Manikin is a framework that enables you to precisely control concurrent application state that goes beyond GIT’s capabilities.

I’ve been working on Manikin for over 3 years, but I have only recently started writing about the general design of Manikin to gather some feedback. So if you want to understand more about Manikin’s design, please read this first. (feedback would be much appreciated!)

In this installment I will go into more detail on how to manage concurrent state with Manikin.


Let’s start with a compelling example, which is an unrealistic banking application written in non-idiomatic Scala code:

class Account(var balance: Double = 0.0)

def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Double) = {
   if (amount <= 0.0)         sys.error("amount should be positive")
   if (from == to)            sys.error("same accounts")
   if (from.balance < amount) sys.error("not enough balance")
   from.balance -= amount
   to.balance   += amount

Banking is easy right? We have accounts with a balance, and we can transfer money between them.

But our example is already a source of many intricate concurrency bugs. (can you spot them?)

Not surprisingly, this example pops up in many textbooks that discuss concurrency. It demonstrates interesting concurrency problems that may not be immediately obvious.

Of course, the biggest source of bugs is when concurrent processes mutate data in-place without any coordination. Installing locks is one way to combat such bugs, but locks also severely impacts performance: processes will start blocking each other in their attempt to acquire the same locks.


Another option is the Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) approach that is taken by many modern databases such as Postgres and Oracle. The MVCC model is very similar to GIT’s snapshot model, but not exactly.

And with databases, there is also a wide range of concurrency trade-offs to consider: do we want Serializable Snapshot Isolation (slower, but correct), or are we OK with just Snapshot Isolation (faster, but with caveats). Manikin gives you all the options that databases give you, but than on the application level.


Let’s rewrite our example in the Manikin style, starting with accounts:

case class Account(balance: Double = 0.0)

case class AccountId(id: String) extends Id[Account] { 
   def init = Account() 

trait AccountMsg extends ScalaMessage[AccountId, Account, Unit]

case class Withdraw(amount: Double) extends AccountMsg {
   def scala = 
      pre { amount > 0 && obj.balance > amount }.
      app { obj.copy(balance = obj.balance - amount) }.
      eff { }.
      pst { obj.balance == old.balance - amount }

case class Deposit(amount: Double) extends AccountMsg {
   def scala =
      pre { amount > 0 }.
      app { obj.copy(balance = obj.balance + amount) }.
      eff { }.
      pst { obj.balance == old.balance + amount }

That’s … very different. What’s going on?

In Manikin we can only manipulate (immutable!) objects by dispatching messages via Worlds. In turn, each message dispatch goes through 4 additional stages of execution:

  1. pre(condition): checks whether conditions hold before the state transition

  2. app(ly): transitions the current object state to a new object state

  3. eff(ect): send messages to other objects, and (optionally) return a result

  4. p(o)st(condition): checks whether conditions hold after the state transition (with access to old state)

After success, an event is written to an append-only log, stating that the message dispatch was indeed successful. As such, we can think of a message as being a small 4-stage mini-transaction.

Deposit Money

So let’s deposit some money into the world and see what happens:

val a1 = AccountId("A1")

val world = EventWorld().
   send(a1, Deposit(50)).
   send(a1, Withdraw(30)).

println(world.obj(a1).value) // Account(20.0)
SENT Deposit(50.0) => AccountId(A1):0
  EFF: ()
    READ AccountId(A1):1
    READ AccountId(A1):0

SENT Withdraw(30.0) => AccountId(A1):1
    READ AccountId(A1):1
  EFF: ()
    READ AccountId(A1):2
    READ AccountId(A1):1

As you can see, the EventWorld has captured all messages that have been sent and ‘turned’ them into events. Next to that, it also tracked all the reads that were issued in the pre- and post-conditions.

Also notice the version numbers that are post-fixed to each account id. All this tracking and tracing happens in Manikin’s ‘backend’. Exactly because Manikin stores a full record of what happened, it is able to efficiently compare, merge and rebase concurrent state.

Transfer Money

But before we are going to combine concurrent state, we extend our example with a money transfer:

case class TransferId(id: Long) extends Id[Unit] {
   def init = { }

trait TransferMsg extends ScalaMessage[TransferId, Unit, Unit]

case class Open(initial: Double) extends AccountMsg {
   def scala =
      pre { initial > 0 }.
      app { obj.copy(balance = initial) }.
      eff { }.
      pst { obj.balance == initial } 

case class Book(from: AccountId, to: AccountId, amount: Double) extends TransferMsg {
   def scala = 
      pre { from != to }.
      app { }.
      eff { send(from, Withdraw(amount)); send(to, Deposit(amount)) }.
      pst { obj(from).balance + obj(to).balance == old(from).balance + old(to).balance }

Notice that the Book message has a composite effect: it sends two additional messages to other accounts.


Let’s see what happens when we book a transfer:

val a1 = AccountId("A1")
val a2 = AccountId("A2")
val t1 = TransferId(1)

val world = EventWorld().
   send(a1, Open(50)).
   send(a2, Open(80)).
   send(t1, Book(a1, a2, 30)).

println(world.obj(a1).value)  // Account(20.0)
println(world.obj(a2).value)  // Account(110.0)
SENT Book(AccountId(A1),AccountId(A2),30.0) => TransferId(1):0
  EFF: ()
    SENT Withdraw(30.0) => AccountId(A1):1
        READ AccountId(A1):1
      EFF: ()
        READ AccountId(A1):2
        READ AccountId(A1):1
    SENT Deposit(30.0) => AccountId(A2):1
      EFF: ()
        READ AccountId(A2):2
        READ AccountId(A2):1
    READ AccountId(A1):2
    READ AccountId(A2):2
    READ AccountId(A1):1
    READ AccountId(A2):1

What we see is that Manikin also keeps a detailed record of composite (recursive) effects.

Conflicting Worlds

Until now, our examples didn’t show any concurrency problems. That’s because messages were dispatched in a single thread of control.

To complicate matters, we are going to spawn multiple concurrent (and immutable!) worlds and then try to reconcile (merge) them.

Merging worlds is easy when there are no conflicts, but what kind of conflicts can we actually expect?

  1. Write/Write conflicts: An object has divergent messages sent to it, so the resulting states are assumed also to be divergent.

  2. Read/Write conflicts: An object’s state has been read at a certain point, but has been invalidated by a more recent state.

Merging Worlds

Our first trivial example demonstrates the merging of two concurrent Worlds without any conflicts:

val world1 = EventWorld().
   send(a1, Open(50)).

val world2 = EventWorld().
   send(a2, Open(80)).

val world3 = world1 merge world2

println(world3.obj(a1).value)  // Account(50.0)
println(world3.obj(a2).value)  // Account(80.0)

As expected, there are no conflicts when merging, because either World operates on different accounts.

But when we transfer money that target the same accounts, Manikin detects a Write/Write conflict:

val t1 = TransferId(1)
val t2 = TransferId(2)

val world4 = world3.
   send(t1, Book(a1, a2, 20)).

val world5 = world3.
   send(t1, Book(a1, a2, 30)).

try { 
   val world6 = world4 merge world5 // FAILS
catch { 
   case e: Exception => println(e) 

And indeed, both world4 and world5 have transferred money between the same accounts, so their write sets intersect.

Rebasing Worlds

But not all is lost as Manikin also supports a rebase operation. Rebasing effectively replays or resends messages from the point where Worlds diverge from their common ancestor, so it is more expensive than merging.

A standard practice is to first try a merge (fast path), and when that doesn’t work, do a rebase (slow path). When a rebase is successful, we are sure that the final merge will be successful too.

try {
   val world6 = world4 merge world5 // FAILS
catch { 
   case e: Exception => {
      try {
         val world7 = world5 rebase world4  // SUCCEEDS
         val world8 = world4 merge world7   // SUCCEEDS
         println(world8.obj(a1).value) // Account(0.0)
         println(world8.obj(a2).value) // Account(130.0)
      case e: Exception => println(e)

Write Skew

My last example in this installment demonstrates an interesting anomaly called write skew. This happens when writes depend on reads that are invalidated by other concurrent writes.

It is a dirty little secret that a lot of databases are not capable of preventing write skew. That’s because it requires a very high transaction level called Serializable.

The good news is, Manikin is able to detect write-skew! Here is the (canonical) black/white marble example:

case class MarbleId(id: Long) extends Id[Marble] { def init = Marble() }
case class AlignId (id: Long) extends Id[Unit]   { def init = { } }

case class Marble(color: String = "blue")

trait MarbleMsg extends ScalaMessage[MarbleId, Marble, Unit]
trait AlignMsg  extends ScalaMessage[AlignId, Unit, Unit]

case class SetColor(color: String) extends MarbleMsg {
   def scala =
      pre { color != null }.
      app { obj.copy(color = color) }.
      eff { }.
      pst { obj.color == color }

case class AlignColors(m1: MarbleId, m2: MarbleId) extends AlignMsg {
   def scala =
      pre { m1 != null && m2 != null}.
      app { }.
      eff { if (obj(m1).color != obj(m2).color) send(m1, SetColor(obj(m2).color)) }.
      pst { true }

The write-skew anomaly happens when we try to align colors between marbles concurrently, but in a different order:

val m1 = MarbleId(1)
val m2 = MarbleId(2)
val a1 = AlignId(1)
val a2 = AlignId(2)

val world1 = EventWorld().
   send(m1, SetColor("black")).
   send(m2, SetColor("white")).

val world2 = world1.
   send(a1, AlignColors(m1, m2)).

val world3 = world1.
   send(a2, AlignColors(m2, m1)).

try {
   val world4 = world2 merge world3 // FAILS (WRITE-SKEW)
catch {
   case e: Exception => println(e)


  1. With Manikin we can version-control application state like we can version-control code with GIT.

  2. But Manikin is more powerful than GIT because it tracks (semantic) read/write dependencies. This is something GIT cannot do because of its snapshot semantics.

  3. Manikin also has Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) semantics, which is one of the highest transaction levels that can be achieved.

So what’s next?

In my next post I am going to dive more into the details of the EventWorld implementation.